What is a room?
An in terms of length, width and height limited structural extension, which is limited by the fixed boundary surfaces wall, floor, ceiling, windows and doors and is usually equipped with furniture.
At the same time, this classic definition of living space describes my areas of competence, which I cover in all my projects:
For me it is important to consider your living space as an overall unity and to create an integrated concept for you: All elements must be matched with their colors, shapes and functions to one another and merge into a whole.
Maybe it is this holistic approach that brings me, in addition to the satisfaction of my customers, time and again professional recognition. For example, in 2018 the trade journal "AW Architektur & Wohnen" stated that my company JEARODES is one of the 50 best interior decorators in Germany. This award is a highly appreciated confirmation of my work and an incentive for all new projects at the same time.